Why do I love owning a secondhand bookshop? Because, as happened today, a grandfather bought for £2.00 a copy of Danny, Champion of the World which he is going to read this evening on Skype to his 9 year old granddaughter. In the midst of global turmoil, what could be better than that?
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Cover photo by Lizard10979
Hello Ruth,
You don’t know me but you know (knew) my wife, Joyce, who worked as your cleaner/househelper in Pollokshields some years back. What a surprise to stumble on your Well-Read website as I was doing my family-history work here in the Mitchell Library –and what a wise woman (Joyce always said you were too nice to be a lawyer!) you are to chuck the law and devote yourself to something worthwhile [ ( – : ] Joyce has often wondered what happened to you and will no doubt be glad to hear of your Wigtown enterprise. She often praised you as a good, intelligent woman and believe me, for my wife – who does not suffer ‘bosses’ gladly! – that is praise indeed.
I do some writing myself but I’m afraid you would not like what I write as I am using poetry/writing of Scotland;s greatest writers (Burns/Scott/Dunbar etc.) -plus some of my own work – in my ‘Blue Blanket Ballads’ — my ‘first blast of the trumpet’ against the monstrous regiment of those (Sturgeon & Co) who are in the process of betraying our country (loss of our identity) with their ‘Diversity’ agenda of uncontrolled immigration . Given that Well-Read -or any other bookshop! – won’t be stocking such writing, I’ll be distributing my stuff -as broadsheets – on the streets of Edinburgh at this year’s Festival
But, enough of me & immigration! (Pah!) — I know Joyce will want me to send you her best wishes for yourself & your bookish endeavour down in Wigtown. (She agrees with my views on immigration!)
Aye, it’s a small world – and even smaller cyber-world!
Slainte mhath (wi’ Irn Bru) & awrabest fae Glesca an’
Joyce’s man,